
Canadian School Councillor Magazine

September 2016

Vice-principal Walter Mustapich and theatre and film teacher Jimmy Crescenzo launched the Boys Club Network, or BCN, in 2004.  Reunited that year at the secondary school both had attended in their youth, the long-time friends fretted over the regression they were seeing among their male students compared to the girls.  “we realized boys had fallen behind academically and socially, that too many were living according to the belief ‘it’s cool to be a fool.'” Mustapich explains.

Knowing that adolescent boys have a much higher likelihood than girls to commit a crime, drop out of school and commit suicide, Mustapich and Crescenzo decided to act.  A plan was hatched to develop a program for boys at risk of being lost to gangs, depression and suicide.  In consultation with fellow staff, the men recruited 15 boys to attend weekly, after-school meetings and the Boys Club Network was born.  “We were told that by Christmas the group would be half that size, but all 15 boys finished the year and, in subsequent years, all of them graduated,: Mustapich says proudly.

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Nelson Star Newspaper: Helping Boys Become Good Men

Paul Luck thinks some adolescent boys are missing positive male role models in their lives. He’s the vice principal of Traflagar Middle School and has started a Boys Club Network chapter at the school to provide adult male mentorship to young boys. “The purpose is to turn young boys into good men,” he said.

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Nelson Star Newspaper: Positive Conversations

There are a lot of difficult conversations going on in School District 8 in the wake of the #MeToo social media campaign, in which Nelsonites came forward online with stories of being groped, harassed, cat-called, raped and humiliated. But parents can feel assured they have an administration that takes this issue seriously, according to superintendent Christine Perkins.

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