Our Future
Perpetually renewing client base
We are filling a critical un-met need, and our client pool renews every year as one class graduates and another matriculates. As issues affecting boys become more understood and supported, our after-school club membership grows.
Now in our 11th year, the Boys Club Network message is spreading quickly beyond our East Vancouver roots. We offer after school clubs and/or a BAA curriculum in 11 BC school districts, and operate four regional summer camps. Our post secondary scholarship is growing every year. With the support and encouragement of the BC Ministry of Education, our mentorship and prevention programs are being introduced in school districts where there may be a disproportionately high percentage of boys seeking connection.
Through our outreach and communications efforts, and meetings with media and stakeholder groups, we receive many requests for an expanded Boys Club Network program. Like-minded, passionate and qualified individuals are coming forward to explore the possibility of starting programs in their districts.
Our reality stage production Man Up!, currently on hiatus, spreads the Boys Club Network message to and beyond our audience of 20,000 students, families, educators and community stakeholders.
Ongoing Network fundraising consists of three streams – Maintenance, Educational Initiatives, and Growth.
Maintenance keeps weekly programs alive at all locations and includes items like transportation for outings, food for meetings, emergency food/clothing/school fee stop-gaps on occasion, summer camps, insurance and other non-negotiables.
Educational Initiatives include production and touring of reality stage productions, curriculum development, and post secondary scholarships. Each initiative is funded separately.
Growth expands the network and outreach, or out-of-community initiatives.
Boys Club Network operations are extremely lean as is our budget. We rely solely on private donations from generous individuals, and on in-kind donations from community organizations.
If you are interested in helping the Boys Club Network expand and fulfill its potential, please visit our Donate page.
"Teach them the quiet words of kindness, to live beyond themselves. Urge them toward excellence, drive them toward gentleness, pull them deep into yourself, pull them upward toward manhood, but softly like an angel arranging clouds. Let your spirit move through them softly. "
– Pat Conroy, The Prince of Tides